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My Background - what led me to coaching
I believe we all go to work because we to make a difference, we want to do a good job.
And that's how I felt about HR. I didn’t choose HR - but I fell into it & loved it.
You see, I too wanted to make a difference. The thing is when you love what you do, you go all in. You take on anything & everything, whatever is thrown your way.
But what happened is that I let my work ‘get out of hand’. I put it on a pedestal and wasn’t quite sure how to get it back down.
It was like this snowball rolling downhill fast, getting bigger, gaining momentum.
Let me take you back to my HR days… which is what I did before I trained to coach and founded Shine Coaching.
As an HR professional, I loved what I did. I loved the people, the organisations, the variety, the pace of work, the challenges.
I was respected, valued as a leader of people, projects, just about anything that came my way (or I sought out); I was constantly in demand because I was making a difference. I felt I had impact stamped on my forehead!
It gave me such a buzz. A full-on adrenaline high.
And God, I worked so damn hard.
Working 60-70 hrs/wk, doing my CIPD degree in my ‘spare’ time, running a household, battling with a teenager going off the rails.
I felt I had to prove my worth, that I could cope, take on the world, and more.
And then when I did, I didn’t know how to take my foot off the pedal, slow down, and for some of it, I was afraid of what would happen if I did. There was a bit of me that loved the thrill of being at full throttle! You know it’s dangerous but there’s a pull that you just can’t resist.
Work became all-consuming; I made it my number one priority. I’d say no to stuff out of work, and make excuses to others, myself, why work had to come first.
Everyone thought I had it sorted. I’d been masking & putting on this ‘I’ve got this’ front for so long it became second nature.
And because I’d put my everything into getting this far, because it had my blood, sweat & tears invested in it, everything I’d ever wanted, there was a part of me feeling guilty as to why I felt this way.
It wasn’t until 2019-20 that I caught sight of what I had become. I am forever grateful to the pandemic for making me slow down. Yes, it damn near caused me to burn out completely, but it also was the wake-up call I needed.
I couldn't switch off, my mental & physical health were pants, and my relationships weren’t as solid as I wanted.
I'd lost sight of the whole me, who I really was outside of work; work ‘me’ was bigger than the rest of me.
And it dawned on me, that in order to be a successful and happy leader at work, I needed to lead myself better first.
Does any of this sound familiar? Do you have a similar story, not knowing how it will end?
Let me give you a few more clues to see if it really resonates with you:
You’re not alone. And you can change. I did. And I can help you too as well.
Yes, I get it. Work is very important. It is very important to me & so many others.
And yes, it does define us in a big way, but it doesn’t have to consume you.
It is just one part of the wonderful human that you are, just one part of your rich tapestry of life 🧡
Are you ready to take that leap? Make that change? So you too can lead yourself even better, and others too? Then come on, find out ways to work with me!
When we do something we love, we shine. Coaching makes me shine.
I noticed as I progressed through my training and then when working with my practice clients, I was using the word 'shine' or connotations of it (eg: your face lights up) more and more; it just seemed the natural choice. I suppose it shone out at me!
As we go through life, t
When we do something we love, we shine. Coaching makes me shine.
I noticed as I progressed through my training and then when working with my practice clients, I was using the word 'shine' or connotations of it (eg: your face lights up) more and more; it just seemed the natural choice. I suppose it shone out at me!
As we go through life, things and people can lose their sparkle, their drive, their energy and sometimes their way. I know and I believe that we all have it in us to shine at something and we deserve it!
I continually aspire to create a flourishing business. I want to make sure that learning and joy is at the heart of it. That way I'm going to be at my best which in turn ensures that others can reach their potential.
It's important for me to know that the work I choose to do has a positive impact not only on the people I work with, but o
I continually aspire to create a flourishing business. I want to make sure that learning and joy is at the heart of it. That way I'm going to be at my best which in turn ensures that others can reach their potential.
It's important for me to know that the work I choose to do has a positive impact not only on the people I work with, but on myself as well, and I can do this in a way that is uniquely mine and authentically me.
Building connection and a relationship is at the heart of my coaching; we're going to be spending important time with each other, so we need to 'get' each other.
I would describe my style as open, honest, relaxed, and supportive, and I do love a bit of humour too!
But I'm also going to give you plenty of challenge too; it's a working partn
Building connection and a relationship is at the heart of my coaching; we're going to be spending important time with each other, so we need to 'get' each other.
I would describe my style as open, honest, relaxed, and supportive, and I do love a bit of humour too!
But I'm also going to give you plenty of challenge too; it's a working partnerships so it's not all going to be plain sailing - change rarely is.
I'm going to work with you to empower you, to reassure you, be your cheerleader, your believer.
For those of you who like to know about qualifications, I trained and qualified with In Good Company as an ILM Level 7 Executive & Senior Coach and I am an EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) Accredited Coach at Practitioner level.
As a professionally trained & qualified leadership coach, I have the experience, tools, and unders
For those of you who like to know about qualifications, I trained and qualified with In Good Company as an ILM Level 7 Executive & Senior Coach and I am an EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) Accredited Coach at Practitioner level.
As a professionally trained & qualified leadership coach, I have the experience, tools, and understanding to help you to help yourself grow, develop, and shine.
Prior to the world of Human Resources, I worked in a variety of roles from a pub landlady to a self-employed gardener and in the early days, even a pig farmer! As you can see, quite an eclectic background.
I created this video back in 2021 when I launched Shine Coaching on 1 July 2021.
Take a couple minutes to find out a little more about how the coaching journey works.
And you might just see how much of a journey I have been on too!